Saturday, April 6, 2013

'Counting-Down My Favorite Movie Characters of All Time'

15. Carl Fredricksen

 "What are you doing out here, kid?"

Voiced by: Ed Asner
Movie: Up (2009)
5 words: Old, Grumpy, Adventurer, Amazon, Ellie

Cranky, grumpy, irascible, cantankerous. Carl Fredericksen is all of these things and more, but the genius of Up's lead (the first of two characters from their arguable masterpiece to make this list) is that we know right from the off why he ended up that way. And it's not just because he's old. Watching Carl slowly shake off the shackles off loss and hurt over the course of 90-odd gloriously rejuvenating moments is a rare joy, the sort of thing that Pixar seems to specialize in. Carl (impeccably voiced by Asner) remains one of the most well rounded and plain human characters in animation history.

14. Napoleon Dynamite

  "I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."
Played by: Jon Heder
Movie: Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
5 words: Nerd, Teenager, Loner, Country-side, Dynamite

There are the great nerds that revel in their petty nerdom, and then there is Napoleon Dynamite, who gives geekiness a whole new twisted and perverted edge.

Napolean Dynamite, as played by John Herder, is a tall, extremely thin young teenager with hair that looks like it has not been combed in a lifetime. He’s a one note personality, with voice that’s as grating as a female bodybuilder that’s taken too much of the juice. He rarely smiles, has great empathy for his own condition of loneliness, and says things that are so enormously dumb that we often have to wonder if his own intelligence is worthy of nerd status.

Yes, Napoleon is such a gifted nerd that he’s even given to wild, baseless, and completely unsubstantiated claims, the kind that don’t ever appear to be taken seriously by even the most naive person.


 "I am nobody's little weasel."
Played by: Audrey Tautou
Movie: Amélie (2001)
5 words: Innocent, Procrastinator, Shy, Love, Fairy-tale

She is innocent, cute and searching for her dream love. Amelie is as realistic as a shy girl sitting next to you at the bus stop. She's a deep procrastinator, living in her world of pink. Being a loner in her childhood, Amelie developed a tendency to see the people in her own way.

12. Walter Sobchak

 "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"

Played by: John Goodman
Movie: The Big Lebowski (1998)
5 words: Vietnam-war, Bowling, Guns, Rules, Rage

 There's no shortage of great characters in the Coen Brothers' canon, but they don't get much better than Walter. Written especially for Goodman, this bellowing, Vietnam war-obsessed bowling fanatic , notable for his short temper and a love of guns, belongs firmly in the 'once seen, never forgotten' hall of fame.

At first glance Walter seems a person that time has passed by.  Someone who has lived so long that the world is no longer as it was when he learned to survive in it many years ago.  Unfortunately for Walter, the world was never as he wanted it to be and he has never fit into it.  He deals with the world around him as he wants it to be.  He is very pleasant, as long as he perceives that others treat him with courtesy, and respect the things about which he cares.  When you fail to recognize the protocol of his interaction he is immediately aroused to a fit of rage because “There are rules” and you have violated them.  It is not that he wants his way because it is his way, but because it is right, fair, and respectful. 

11. Wilson the volleyball

Movie: Cast Away (1987)
5 words: Volley-ball, Survivor, Island, Listener, Partner

He's his only friend. Wilson and  spent four years together in the remote island. Wilson is actually a combination of his few drops of blood from his wound on a volleyball. Wilson would later accompany him in her attempt to cross the sea. Where, Wilson would later disappear in the lavishing sea tides. 

10. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

"Pick 'em up and set 'em down Pyle!"
Played by: Ronald Lee Ermey
Movie: Full Metal Jacket (1987)
5 words: Drill-instructor, Ruthless, Foul-mouth, Torturer, Discipline

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman was a character in Full Metal Jacket and although technically not an antagonist he was a foul-mouthed bully who drove the overweight recruit known as Private Leonard "Gomer Pyle" Lawrence to insanity - resulting in the soldier killing Hartman with his service rifle before committing suicide himself in front of a shocked Joker.

Although extremely cruel the practices employed by Hartman were actually part of his job as a Drill Sergeant and was designed to toughen up recruits and prepare them for war - unfortunately for Hartman his methods backfired on him due to Lawrence's instability, which pushed the soldier too far, which tragic consequences for all involved.

9. Loki Laufeyson

 “The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel. I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose.”

Played by: Tom Hiddlestone
Movie: Thor (2011), Avengers (2012)
5 words: Demi-god, Mischief, Manipulator, Leader, Dark

A man of three worlds who is not at home in any of them, Loki Laufeyson, the Norse god of mischief, is a master manipulator and skilled tactician. As he did in the Marvel Comics universe, Loki provides the catalyst for the formation of the superhero team in "The Avengers."

As played by actor Tom Hiddleston, the Loki seen in "Thor" and "Avengers" movie is comparable to the more malicious Loki from the mainstream Marvel Comics universe.

The mischief-maker's chief power is his command of the dark forces. Through the years, Loki has fired concussive beams from his hands and moved objects with the power of his mind. He also can use his magic to augment his own health and abilities as well as those of humans, like the aforementioned Absorbing Man.

8. Clementine Kruczynski


 "Drink up, young man. It'll make the whole seduction part less repugnant."
Played by: Kate Winslet
Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
5 words: Loud, Wacky-hair, Fickle, Extrovert, Moody

As far as I’m concerned, Kate Winslet can do no wrong. She is the most gifted British actress of her generation, the youngest leading lady to be nominated for the Academy award five times and star of the most successful film ever, Titanic. But it is not her portrayal of Rose in the iceberg epic that earns her a spot as a female film hero, but her turn as the wacky-haired, loud-mouthed Clementine in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Clementine is an unusual name, and almost in a bid to appear worthy of such a rare moniker, she engineers a persona to match. She dies her hair crazy colours and wears some truly awful clothes, but it’s all superficial.

It is her faults and her honest acceptance of these that make us like her all the more. She is ridiculously fickle, has the attention span of a small child and is high-maintenance, and yet these are all traits that she admits to and never looks to change. The hair and wacky clothes might be one way she tries to express her personality, but her true self always shines through, never to be denied. She is self-aware and confident in her limitations, but this inner knowledge of her lesser qualities never makes her withdrawn, apologetic or sad. Instead, she opts to be the life and soul of every party.

7. Jeffrey Goines

 "Ah! Ah! There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion. You... you... you believe in germs, right?"

Played by: Brad Pitt
Movie: Twelve Monkeys (1995)
5 word intro: Lunatic, Fruitcake, Scientist-Son, Conspirator, Leader 

Not many lunatics are as impressive as Jeff. Even in the asylum, he comes up with some amazing pick-ups which would compel you to reconsider your outlook on social 

6. Roger 'Verbal' Kint

 "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that... he is gone."

Played by: Kevin Spacy
Movie: Usual Suspects (1995)
5 words: Suspect, Crippled, Mastermind, Imposter, Devil

He is one ordinary looking mailman-from-next street. Kint is shown to be crippled, suffering from cerebral palsy who, is being the object of a police interrogation about the explotion of a boat.
The spectator becomes no less than a witness of the story told by Verbal Kint who is the sole survivor.

The story progresses as a Hungarian crime lord Keyser Soze, is charged as the convict.

Verbal Kint recreates a story with objects, images, papers and even brands that he
is looking at while being interrogated: he rewrites the whole story as he tells it to
the policeman. He becomes an “inner” screenwriter in the film itself.

Moreover, the “bad guy” is the man that the audience would suspect the less
because the character himself has a physical problem, which makes him weaker to
our eyes. It is a physical problem that is actually fake, as we find out in the end of
the film. Kint is shown to be crippled, suffering from cerebral palsy. He has one lame foot and cannot move his left hand.

5. Hannibal Lector

 "People don't always tell you what they are thinking. They just see to it that you don't advance in life."

Played by: Anthony Hopkins
Movie: Silence of the Lambs (1991)
5 words: Serial-killer, Cannibal, Psychiatrist, Prisoner, Evil

Lecter is a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. In The Silence of the Lambs, feature Lecter as one of two primary antagonists. In the third novel, Hannibal, Lecter becomes the main character. His role as protagonist continues into the fourth novel, Hannibal Rising, which explores his childhood and development into a serial killer.

Hannibal Lecter is described as being small and sleek, and with wiry strength in his arms. In The Silence of the Lambs it is revealed that Lecter's left hand has the condition called mid ray duplication sexdactyly, or his left hand has an extra digit; a duplicated middle finger. In Hannibal, he has since had his extra digit removed, while Hannibal Rising makes no mention of this physical abnormality.

Lecter's eyes are shade of maroon, and reflect the light in "pinpoints of red". He is also said to have small white teeth and dark hair.

4. Frank William Abagnale Jr.

 "An honest man has nothing to fear, so I am trying hard not to be afraid."

Played by: Leonardo Di Caprio
Movie: Catch Me If You Can (2002)
5 words: Seventeen, Imposter, Fraud, Millionaire, Charming

Frank Abagnale’s rare expertise began more than 40 years ago when he was known as one of the world's most famous confidence men. Between the ages of 16 and 21, he successfully posed as an airline pilot, an attorney, a college professor and a pediatrician, in addition to cashing $2.5 million in fraudulent checks in every state and 26 foreign countries. Apprehended by the French police when he was 21 years old, he served time in the French, Swedish and U. S. prison systems. After five years he was released on the condition that he would help the federal government, without remuneration, by teaching and assisting federal law enforcement agencies. Frank has now been associated with the FBI for over 35 years. More than 14,000 financial institutions, corporations and law enforcement agencies use his fraud prevention programs.

Frank’s exploits were depicted in the movie Catch Me If You Can, based on Frank’s best-selling book. In this session, he’ll describe his life, both during the time covered in his well known story, as well as covering what he’s up to these days.

3. Tommy DeVito

  "You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?"

Played by: Joe Pesci
Movie: Goodfellas (1990)
5 words: Funny-guy, Short, Humorous, Short-tempered, Gangster

Talking about a real badass, Tommy Devito would always be there within the top notch. Played by Italian actor Joe Pesci, the character was pivotal in 'Goodfellas' success. Pesci’s performance is riveting. There is no other way to describe it. He dominates every scene he is involved in because Tommy is such an unpredictable character. At one moment he is cracking jokes and then all of a sudden he becomes a violent child throwing a tantrum. Pesci controls the screen and it is impossible to remove one’s eyes from his vibrant performance.

I can never forget the “How am I funny sequence” in which he frightens Henry Hill and the rest of table to such a degree that they begin to fear for Henry Hill’s life. Only after minutes of contemplation does Hill realize that he is joking. The fact is that the audience is left stunned as well. They don’t know whether or not he is joking either. Immediately after this sequence, Tommy feels insulted about being asked to pay his tab. He smashes a bottle over the owner’s head and forces him to flee. The rest of the dining patrons laugh at his actions more out of fear of what he may do to them then out of excitement and amusement. Top class!

2. The Joker

 "Wanna know how I got these scars?"
Played by: Heath Ledger
Movie: The Dark Knight (2008)
5 words: Sociopath, Clown, Psychotic, Grudge-themed, Chaos

Heath Ledger made the Joker a singular and supremely unhinged villain: one who's amoral for no particular reason. He revels in death and mayhem; his laugh is a cackle turned inside-out. He uses a knife because, he says, a gun is too quick. A complete evil illustrator of mad persona that grabs your attention from the start till the credits roll.

His appearance is shocking, all shown in a quick, massive close-up: a face encased in the creased, grotesque makeup of a melting, bitter clown; a mop of greasy, greenish hair; the fraying purple suit of a fop turned madman. The Joker bears no resemblance to the strikingly handsome actor who played him. In fact, the character is like nothing we've seen or heard before. This is a career-making performance if ever there was one. Too bad it was a career-ending one as well.

1. Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade

  "Oh, uh, Charlie - about your little problem - there are two kinds of people in this world: those who stand up and face the music, and those who run for cover. Cover is better."

Played by: Al Pacino
Movie: Scent of a woman (1992)
5 words: Army-man, Blind, Fiery, Witty, Skeptical

A fiery & embittered decorated military man who Charlie is looking after over Thanksgiving. The blind and washed-up Lieutenant Colonel originally planned to spend a weekend in NYC before putting a bullet in his head.

Lt. Col. Frank Slade is a man who is certain of himself and the paths he did not take. He is skeptical of everyone else he’s met on the path he did. How else other than for him to communicate to the larger world in outsized and obvious ways? The blind man is often the soothsayer, but here he is not so much predicting young Charlie’s future as dropping the wood, laying the lumber and hammering home the tracks. He dedicates his life protecting that innocent soul which he think would make him proud.

Alpacino played Slade's character which can only be describe as pure legend and went on to win the Oscar for this mesmerizing performance.

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