Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Isloo - From My Eye

Midst sun rising from the east, average urban scenes from a 2nd floor apartment, wide roads plagued with hundred of high-speed vehicles, where people rush to stuggle to order to recify their authority; The bureacratic breeze of Potwar welcomes me to the capital - Islamabad, aka Isloo. For me Isloo is graceful - it's stylish-  you can feel nobility in the air when we land inside the premises. Many years before as a little frail child when I was there, there were no “Isloo-ites”, no Glorias, Hardees, or KFCs even. But yet there was a feeling of belonging, a sense of serenity and calmness that perhaps no other city could match, at least for me. I used to cycle around the lush green city as a kid and while my family and friends from Lahore and Karachi would go on and on about “Lahore Lahore hai” and “Karachi – the city of Lights”, I would find solace in peace that “Islamabad – the beautiful” offered, relatively less population. You'll only come across a few roadies while driving from Sitara Market towards the Blue area. 

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